Bulgaria Referrals: Above and Beyond Expectations


Bulgarian adoption referralsThere are many great benefits for families who choose to adopt from Bulgaria.  One of the benefits we have found that is most appealing to prospective adoptive families is the detailed Bulgaria child referral.  Many sending countries, especially those overwhelmed by poverty, do not have the ability to provide parents with detailed information on a referred child.  A lack of resources can mean that children do not receive birth certificates at the time of their birth, and when children are abandoned it can make learning of the child’s past extremely difficult.  The entities involved with adoption in Bulgaria, however, are able to provide prospective adoptive parents with detailed referrals.  The information given in these referrals bring benefits for both the children and parents.

What is generally expected from a referral in Bulgaria?
The bare minimum we expect to receive for a referral consists of a picture of the child/children, a medical history and a social history.  Everything is documented on the medical history from the time custody of the child is given to the Ministry of Justice (MOJ).  This may or may not include any tests, hospitalizations, illnesses, known allergies, etc.  If any medical information is known about the biological parents, it is documented in the child’s referral as well.  A social history outlines why the child is in the custody of MOJ and describes the child’s eligibility for adoption.  It also includes how well the child is doing in school, their emotional and behavioral development, and some personality traits or characteristics.

What has been happening above and beyond a typical referral?
We have been getting additional pictures and even some adorable videos from our in-country staff of the referred children.  The photos and videos are taken from many angles to show the children walking, talking, playing, and interacting with others.  Our partnering agency in Bulgaria has also been taking time to answer any additional questions parents may have and address any concerns about the child.  We are fortunate to work with such a great organization that cares as deeply about these children as we do and appreciate their willingness to assist our clients!

What benefits do these things provide for both the family and children?
The video and additional photos have given families more confidence in their decision to move forward and encourage them to finish strong with the rest of the adoption process.  After the families see the child’s personality come alive on camera, it is hard for them not to fall in love with their referred child!  Seeing their potential child interact on camera gives them hope and makes the adoption feel more tangible, allowing them to connect more with the child before actually meeting them.

There are many great benefits for adopting from Bulgaria, and the detailed referral is just one of them!  Here are 10 more reasons to adopt from Bulgaria!

You can request more information about adopting from Bulgaria by clicking here.

Photo Credit: Moche Fedor

Jordan Kelly is a graduate of the Kelley School of Business where she majored in Marketing. As an assistant at MLJ Adoptions, Jordan does everything from event planning and managing social media, to writing blogs and designing advertisements.

Jordan Kelly is a graduate of the Kelley School of Business where she majored in Marketing. As an assistant at MLJ Adoptions, Jordan does everything from event planning and managing social media, to writing blogs and designing advertisements.