

Expect the Unexpected

Expect the unexpected in life. Not something we necessary are good at, especially when our expectations are way off the mark from how reality pans out. This can be especially true in the arena of adoption. It is such an emotional venture and once our hearts have settled on a particular child, we expect heaven ...

The True Cost of Adoption

Many never realize the complexity of the adoption process. It is something I have tried to explain to many families, only to later realize they don’t truly understand until the end of the process, if then. I tell all my families that adoption is hard; I even had “Adoption is not for the faint of ...

Adoption and the Empty Nester

For the most part, friends and family have been extremely supportive of our adoption of a special boy from Ukraine. However, a few times, someone questions us about the timing. They ask why in the world we would choose to bring more children into our home, when ours are beginning to spread their wings and ...

Answering Questions About Adoption From Family and Friends

The international adoption process is anticipated to be a time of joy, happiness and excitement. Many though, find themselves dealing with stress, impatience and anxiety many times as a result of family and friends giving unwanted advice and opinions. Adoptive parents who begin the process anticipate that family members and friends will be supportive, helpful ...

How Can We Care for the Orphans of Haiti?

I can still imagine the stifling heat, singed with tropical breezes and the beautiful, friendly smiles; images of the resilient island of Haiti. I think back to people I knew; productive, innovative and appreciate people, now surrounded by a horrid suffering that our minds can’t begin to comprehend. During our trip to Haiti, we saw ...

Helpful Hints From Our Ukrainian Journey

Our journey to Ukraine was absolutely amazing! Our journey began October 17, 2009 and ended on November 24, 2009. Even though we ran into some delays we had not expected, our trip was so rewarding. The director at Cayden’s orphanage was so caring, kind, and generous during our trip, and our facilitator was knowledgeable and ...

Poem: A Child's Heart

I drew inspiration from the events of this week one evening. I was lying in my room and thinking about what all we had experienced when the words just began flowing: “I’ll love you forever,” some mothers will say But sometimes that is just how it goes I did not mean to leave you alone ...

Etched on My Heart Forever: Part 2

As I mentioned, the 9 & 10 year olds that I got close to were very loving and affectionate,maybe even a bit clingy. I noticed that to be largely the case with the children from about 6-11 years old. Perhaps they felt that at their ages they still had hopes of a visitor deciding to ...

Etched on My Heart Forever: Part 1

What do you think of when you hear the word “Thanksgiving”? I’m guessing that what comes to your mind is some combination of family, turkey, parades and football. Well, this year I did not spend Thanksgiving with my family. And while we did have a traditional turkey dinner, we did not see a single play ...

What Happens When We Don't Look Alike?

Today’s guest blogger Tara Michener is very involved in promoting diversity and inclusion through education, public speaking, writing, and advocacy. She leads workshops on self-esteem, creative writing, diversity and social networking for people of all ages. She is the author of The "Who I Am" book series which promotes self-esteem and diversity in kids, allowing ...

The Fatherless Foundation Invites You to Aid the Orphan

MLJ Adoptions, Inc. is happy to share the following information from the Fatherless Foundation, which has both helped many of our clients raise adoption funds and helped bring together our team who are all volunteers for the Fatherless Foundation. On Oct 30, 2009, The Fatherless Foundation will be holding its third annual benefit auction and ...

Legal and Ethical Considerations of Embryo Adoption

Read the first installment of this article, explaining embryo adoption, here. Legal Before beginning this process, both donors and adoptive parents must be aware that there are unsettled legal issues with regards to embryo donation and adoption. There are no federal and very few state laws which specifically address embryo donation and adoption. Georgia has ...

What is Embryo Adoption?

As the use of in vitro fertilization (IVF) has become more common, couples who have chosen this method and have successfully added children to their family, find that they are left with the responsibility of determining the destiny of their other frozen embryos. Understandably, this can be a difficult decision as these couples have limited ...
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